مَا نَقَصَتْ صَدَقَةٌ مِنْ مَالٍ
'Zakat itu tidak mengurangi harta'
With the advancement of technology (with Industrial Revolution 4.0 nearing too), everything is available online. Thus, with such enthusiasm to join in the tech-advancement wagon, Pusat Pungutan Zakat (PPZ) has further improved the current zakat paying portal to a 4.0 version.
The newest and much improved portal zakat2u is now equipped with user-friendly and functional advancement that will expedite and ease the zakat payment process, especially for the working community. One will find that paying the zakat via zakat2u is time-saving and super easy.
Zakat Zalculator |
Various online payment methods |
As per PPZ's motto 'Memudahkan Anda Berzakat', here are the new and improved functions available on the zakat2u
- A simpler and automatic calculator for zakat calculation
- Troli Zakat: enable one to pay more than one type of zakat during a transaction
- Availability of official receipt for online payments
- Doa recitation for muzakki after a completed zakat payment transaction
- Integration with FB Messenger chatbox for zakat payment
- A video tutorial of zakat calculation
'The launch of portal zakat2u Version 4.0 serves as a sign of our appreciation to all the zakat payers and for their trust in having us as their zakat collector. Without their contribution, PPZ will not be able to assist almost 30,000 needy families yearly. And now, the number is growing too' said Tuan Haji Ahmad Shukri Yusoff, the Chief Executive Officer of PPZ MAIWP, during the launch. He hopes that the improved quality of service will facilitate and encourage the public to pay zakat to reduce urban poverty.
As of October 2018, a total of RM13 million has been collected via the old version portal. He also hopes that with the launch of the latest version, the amount will achieve RM25 million by the year-end, as the system eases the process and procedures.
The launch of zakat2u Version 4.0 |
The team behind the development of the new and improved portal |
When asked whether PPZ will come up with an online application soon, he confirms that the project is in the pipeline.
The practice of zakat can be used to cultivate the people to be generous and to love qurban. The practice can also remove the stingy nature and the stingy elements. And Allah SWT rewards a great reward for producing the property solely for His pleasure.
"Ambillah (sebahagian) dari harta mereka menjadi sedekah, supaya dengannya engkau membersihkan mereka (dari dosa) dan mensucikan mereka (dari akhlak yang buruk), dan doakanlah untuk mereka, kerana sesungguhnya doamu itu menjadi ketenteraman bagi mereka, dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mendengar Lagi Maha Mengetahui." – Surah At-Taubah (ayat 103)
PPZ Facebook
Portal zakat2u
Rawlins GLAM
Senanglah lepas ni, semua online je. .Nice info
ReplyDeleteBaguslah dah ada improvement. Dari masa kesemasa mesti kemaskini aplikasi bg memudahkan pembayar zakat. Sekarang lebih mudah dan selamat juga. yg mana gaji juta2 tu bolehlah pakai aps ni. Kann.
ReplyDeleteWah mudahnya ada portal macam ni. Memudahkan pembayar zakat untuk melaksanakan zakat. Semua hujung jari ja.
ReplyDeleteWow !! What a good apps. They got calculator as well to calculate how much we need to pay. It is easier for every one of us. Sometimes we dont know how much we need to pay. Now there is no reason not to pay zakat anymore.
ReplyDeleteMemang dah mudah untuk kita membuat pembayaran zakat sekarang ni, hanya dihujung jari ja...
ReplyDeleteDah ada portal zakat ni senang..semua di hujung jari je kan...so lepas ni xde alasan dah sape2 x nak bayar
ReplyDeleteAlhamdullillah dah ada improvement. Sebelum ni pun sebenarnya dah ok Fadzi rasa tapi bila dieoran gbuat improvement macam ni, bagi orang lebih senang bayar zakat
ReplyDeletewow this is such a great and needed improvements! Great job! Now it makes a lot more easier to pay our zakat, and with those auto calculator, zakat troli and all, it makes this portal more convenient and awesome to use. Well done, moving with technology! 👍🏿😁
ReplyDeleteHaaa bagus sangat boleh bayar secara online ni , dah takde la alasan tak mau bayar zakat sebab busy la apa la kan
ReplyDeleteWahhh aku suka la kome.. Nice write up
ReplyDeleteMudah sekarang nak bayar zakat, online je.dah takde alasan takda masa atau tak sempat nak bayar zakat. Lagipun kita bayar untuk bantu mualaf yang perlukan bantuan
ReplyDeleteWah!! Bagusnya Apps ini.. boleh berzakat dengan mudah dan cepat.. xyah nak kasi alasan busy lagi.. just klik semua urusan zakat boleh dilaksanakan dengan sempurna dan cepat..
ReplyDeletecara membayar makin senang..harapnya makin ramai yang sedar kewajipan membayar zakat bagi mereka yg sepatutnya..
ReplyDeletewahh..terbaik. senang lepas ni, semuanya makin mudah.. memudahkan orang ramai semuanya ada dihujung jari je..
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