Tidak mustahil satu hari nanti ayat berikut akan menjadi awalan yang anda akan ucapkan kepada rakan-rakan kita di Malaysia kan.
"Wah! Gemuknya kau! Tahniah sebab menambahkan statistik untuk meletakkan Malaysia di tangga teratas dalam statistik penduduk paling ramai obes di Asia."
Source : News Strait Times |
Terasa ke?
Mohon la terasa ye.
Dan mohon juga agar berubah agar kita dapat menjadi lebih sihat.
June 16, 2014 |
Mengerikan apabila dikatakan Malaysia menduduki tangga pertama dalam statistik negara dengan penduduk yang obes.
Adakah ini melambangkan kesejahteraan di kalangan rakyat?
Atau simply, we have LAZY PEOPLE in Malaysia?
Are we not afraid of the diseases and death that awaits?
Wahai kesayangan sekalian,
Obesity is not a disease that is incurable.
It can be prevented and thus made you healthier and happier.
- Change your life style
- Watch what you eat
- Control your weight
How in the world can you do all that with you being SOOOOO busy as it is?
I could suggest a few items that you should use to help you reduce the numbers of obese people in Malaysia.
Do contact me to know more about the packages and wonderful discount for all.
And please, be healthy cause Beauty comes from within.
Haiqal Rawlins
tahun ni i azam nk kurus!
Yes!!! Serius!!
Deletenak kurus laaah jugak
ReplyDeleteJom KiD!!
Deletei wanna lose some weight too! too much of feasting lately :(
ReplyDeleteAh the plan for 2016 is to keep fit and lose a little weight. Due to the festivities I think I might have gained a little on my end too.
ReplyDeleteI wanna get rid of my tummy fat... Need more determination~
ReplyDeleteI want to lose weight too! I am eating too much during cny. sigh....
ReplyDeleteone of my new year resolution is to lose weight. i am keen to try out the products. :D
ReplyDeleteterasa.. memang terasa... dah lah makan non stop asyik kena invite food review jer dan hard to control keinginan... hahahah
ReplyDeleteI tried wearing corset but couldn't last more than 3 days. T_T such fails.
ReplyDeleteI gym at least twice a week to maintain my weigh. Health does matter =)
ReplyDeleteExercising is very important, supplements do help but not much. The rest is purely on efforts and determination on what you want to achieve.
ReplyDeleteToo many overweight Malaysians. All boils down to bad eating habits and being really lazy to exercise. Even walking up the staircase or f seriously lazy...walking up the escalator is better than just standing there.
ReplyDeleteI need to shed off some of my fats aways. Will try out the Corset and hopefully it works on me.
ReplyDeletesaya tak kuat nak pakai korset hari2...time nak solat mesti cabut buang..huhu..tapi hati teringin sangat nak kurus...
ReplyDeleteAlyza, kalau pakai Premium Beautiful tak perlu buang - malah boleh pakai 8 hours straight and even ada yang pakai pergi zumba semua. Kena dapatkan ukuran yang betul baru rasa selesa. Kalau terlampau ketat memang menyeksakan
DeleteAfter CNY and now I need to lose all the post-festival weight. I gemuk!
ReplyDeleteOh no, Malaysia has the most overweight population in SEA, this is not good >.<
ReplyDeletehoho... mcm2 skrg utk kuruskan badan
ReplyDeletekak no x pernah try lg premium tu..
eamai yg dah pakai. good utk betulkan tulang
After CNY usually we will gain fat thanks to all the delicious food and cookies la... This year I managed to lose weight with Chinese medical treatment... Still have more to get rid off! I tried corset before the thing is quite uncomfortable and tight to wear....
ReplyDeleteAfter CNY usually we will gain fat thanks to all the delicious food and cookies la... This year I managed to lose weight with Chinese medical treatment... Still have more to get rid off! I tried corset before the thing is quite uncomfortable and tight to wear....
ReplyDeleteDiet tidak pernah tinggal dari wishlist I. Always bertekad nak kurus tapi terlalu banyak godaan! :(
ReplyDeleteits true, saya gemuk. i feel so sad now.
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming by.
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For any inquiries, email: rawlins.una@gmail.com