The Right Time For Coffee

melayu, miskin, gaji 6 angka, premium beautiful, jom bangkok, byrawlins, gemuk, tekanan, obesiti, set kurus bajet, pbwonders, mineral coffee
Yawning while drinking coffee?
Ever wonder why you are still sleepy even after consuming your coffee?

Probably because you are taking it at the wrong time.
According to I Love Coffee, you have to time your coffee-drinking to get the best result in staying fresh and awake.

Our body works on a hormonal rhythm called Circadian Clock. The complete cycle takes 24 hours whereby your hormones are circling the body to enable it to function - sleep, wake up etc.

At a certain time, a hormon called cortisol appears. Cortisol is responsible to wake you up and be alert. The production of cortisol peaks from 8 am - 9 am daily. This peak functions as a natural caffeine to rejuvenate and wake your body. So, it is not advisable to take your coffee during this peak hour as the caffeine effect from your coffee will be diminished, resulting in your upping your coffee dosage and intake.

The question remains - when is the best time to take your coffee?
Take your coffee when the cortisol level drops, and this happens a few times daily.
melayu, miskin, gaji 6 angka, premium beautiful, jom bangkok, byrawlins, gemuk, tekanan, obesiti, set kurus bajet, pbwonders, mineral coffee
The right time to take your coffee
Or if you want a better cure for your sleep-sickness - just take Mineral Coffee.
It will keep you fresh, awake and healthy too.
melayu, miskin, gaji 6 angka, premium beautiful, jom bangkok, byrawlins, gemuk, tekanan, obesiti, set kurus bajet, pbwonders, mineral coffee
#MineralCoffee #SetKurusBajet
Mineral Coffee is the only coffee that is infused with the goodness of Garam Buluh (Bamboo Salt) - a type of salt that is natural sea salt cooked in bamboo using natural and traditional cooking method. Originated from Korea thousands of years ago, this method of cooking process purifies the salt and enhances the salt's mineral content which is good for our body.

Bamboo salt is high in minerals especially magnesium, iron and calcium and is able to help our body absorb nutrients efficiently.

Some salt today is artificially and chemically made to taste? It is much cheaper to produce, saltier that the salt in its natural form and BAD for your health?

Haiqal Rawlins
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