Do Iftar The Right Way

BV Alfalfa, iftar, Garlic Hai-O, glam, hai-o garam buluh premier drink, hanis haizi protege, kevin zahri, kurus, mineral coffee, premium beautiful corset, puasa, ramadhan, senam, Set Kurus Bajet, sihat, buka puasa,
The unspoken words of the husband
How has your fasting been, dear friends?

I hope everyone is feeling better and great since it is only the 5th day of Ramadhan. 
Have you been exercising too?
Remember not to overdo it.

What about that stubborn fat?
I sure do manage to shed some off and expecting more to come.

What? Your weight remains the same?
Have you changed your eating habit during iftar?

Well, according to Kevin Zahri [e-book], here is how your iftar should look like:
1) Start with dates as it gives energy then rest for 20 minutes - do your Maghrib prayer.
2) Limit your calorie intake (around 700 kcal)
3) Hydrate yourself but do not overdo it - a small amount of sugary drink is ok
BV Alfalfa, iftar, Garlic Hai-O, glam, hai-o garam buluh premier drink, hanis haizi protege, kevin zahri, kurus, mineral coffee, premium beautiful corset, puasa, ramadhan, senam, Set Kurus Bajet, sihat, buka puasa,
Tips for Iftar
So, friends, do your fasting accordingly, as overdoing it could be detrimental to your health too.
Also, do not overdo your iftar as losing fat is hard to do.

As for me, I tried as much as possible to emulate what is written in the ebook, plus some as demonstrated below.
BV Alfalfa, iftar, Garlic Hai-O, glam, hai-o garam buluh premier drink, hanis haizi protege, kevin zahri, kurus, mineral coffee, premium beautiful corset, puasa, ramadhan, senam, Set Kurus Bajet, sihat, buka puasa,
BV Alfalfa, iftar, Garlic Hai-O, glam, hai-o garam buluh premier drink, hanis haizi protege, kevin zahri, kurus, mineral coffee, premium beautiful corset, puasa, ramadhan, senam, Set Kurus Bajet, sihat, buka puasa,
Contact me to get the supplements. 
Special price awaits for the whole month of Ramadhan.
Haiqal Rawlins
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