How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

fitness, exercise, weigh-ins, berapa kerap nak timbang berat badan, how many weigh-ins, cara turun berat badan, tips turun berat badan, byrawlins, byrawlinsdotcom,
Stressing over the number on the scale?
For the past 2 months, I have been obsessed of weighing myself.
I will weigh myself the very first thing in the morning and later before turning in to sleep.
Obsessed much?

How much is too much and when in the correct/ right time @ how often should I weigh myself?

According to MyFitnessPal blog, it is ok to occasionally weigh yourself, just to be sure that you are on the right track towards healthier body mass.

Daily Weigh-Ins
This is so me. I love to weigh myself daily just to keep reminding myself of my goals. Just remember not to stress about the fluctuations. If the increase of 0.5 kg bothers you and affects your mood and behaviour, then stop your daily weigh-ins. The number is just that - a number.

Weekly Weigh-Ins
After six days of a healthy lifestyle, weighing yourself to track the progress could be very rewarding. Pick a consistent day each week and weigh yourself in the morning. This practice could spare you the roller-coaster of mood if you have been doing daily weigh-ins and get affected by the daily numbers.

One point for us to ponder - weight fluctuations are common because our weights are affected by various factors - weather, bathroom habits, how hydrated we are and the daily exercise routine. A few kgs of weight fluctuations are usually not fat gain but a result of our body regulating its physiological functions. However if the increase in weight occurs daily, then you have to start re-evaluating your daily habits - you might be eating too much unnecessarily,  lacking in exercise, the routine has become a habit and the body loses it resistance towards the routine and so many more reasons.
fitness, exercise, weigh-ins, berapa kerap nak timbang berat badan, how many weigh-ins, cara turun berat badan, tips turun berat badan, byrawlins, byrawlinsdotcom,
The correct way to weigh yourself
Whatever you have been doing, just do something that makes you feel good daily cause stress could also cause weight fluctuations. Weigh in every day or weekly is up to the individual. As for me, I love to weigh myself every morning - the very first thing in the morning after I wake up.

What about you?
Haiqal Rawlins

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  1. yea...i always like my size..hehe!! im not easy to overweight one. so ,live healthy n balance will be the best!!

  2. i need more exercise and eat healthily now!! :D seriously need to keep fit

  3. I couldn't agree more :)

  4. I don't make it a habit to weigh myself. Only at medical check-ups or if I feel that my clothes are tighter. LOL

  5. huhuhu.. each time i weigh myself i have a heart attack.. too heavy la now

  6. I'm gonna start weighing myself with the scaleon top of me now. :p


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