Money or Time?

Nowadays, nobody has enough time anymore.

One gets fat because do not have enough time to exercise.
One gets fat because take-outs are always the easier choice than to cook one's own meals.
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Let us all analyze the picture above.

When you are young, you have all the time and the energy in the world to do everything but you do not have the cash to do everything.

Can you relate to this?
Then, when you are an adult, you have started working and earning some decent cash, you found out that you do not have enough time to do everything and yet, the energy is still high, waiting for you to use it.
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The Salary for Fresh Graduates
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Where do you stand in this list?
When you reach that age and people around you start calling you uncle, auntie or even worse, grandpa or grandma, you feel like spending all your hard-earned cash on the things that you do not have the time to do when you were younger. 

You just do not have the energy to do so.
Your health is on the borderline, so you will spend your wealth to gain that health.
Gaining that health takes all the energy so you just feel contented by just staying put.
So, why not enjoy life while you still have the energy and time ie when you are young?
But it seems that young ones are having cash problems right?

Why don't you enjoy your life while you are younger and have the cash?
How is that possible?

By having two jobs of course.

But I do not have the TIME!
Actually you do.

Just spend at least two hours daily (sacrifice that TV time), after working hours and with guided steps, you will be able to enjoy all the perks that life has to offer while you are still energetic.
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That extra cash gives the extra goodness to life.
With more cash in hand, you will be able to enjoy life better than before.
You could spend it on your loved ones and give more to them too.

Contact me now to know more.

Haiqal Rawlins
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  1. time is money. we need to cherish every moment of it.

  2. Exactly.. sadly many people need the rat race to continue to pay of bills and debts

  3. live with no debts is the happiest and being now economy is bad, is time to look for alternative

  4. The comparison is so true.. It's really money vs time..

  5. you are totally correct. its time for us to work out and eat healthily

  6. We are of course all caught in the rat race but I am glad to know that you are working towards financial freedom. Would like to know the start up investment required in your plan.

  7. The dilemma in this is exactly what my Im going through right now..

  8. Didn't know about this until I read your post, thanks for the info sharing :)

  9. It's always hard to find that balance in life. But it is up to a person's priority.

  10. Yes, when u got money, then you don't have time. But same to vice versa T-T So hard to become a human

  11. Very insightful and eye-opening. Interesting proposal too.

  12. True. That's why I always do two jobs since I was 20. =)

  13. very insightful. will recommend to my friend who is looking for second job. thanks

  14. ooooo sigh sometime reli cant choose btw time and money hahaha

  15. trying to go into fitness now.. need to slim down ><"
    too much good food every day..

  16. We all know what we need to do and the difficulty comes from trying to balance everything that u think is important

  17. I couldn't agree more with you, its like no money no talk in our society now

  18. Effing true ! Have to balance from all aspect!

  19. I like the first picture of the comparison! I always wanted to try online business but I guess it hard to start and let go 8 hours working with stable income.

  20. The chart looks so cute! And it's true somehow :)

  21. I know how you feel, there should be a blance of time, money & energy.

  22. Monet, Time and Energy are important factors of our life. We got to have a balance of them.

  23. The reality is so cruel, one need to really work hard to realize his/her dreams nowadays >.<

  24. ya we need to to have plan b in our life

  25. This is the biggest dilemma. Time is money but to make money you need time. and some times we get carried away with other things :(

  26. time is more important~~~~time is money...we should always plan our life~~

  27. i agree with the infographics, as an working adult we barely have time at all!

  28. Having a good income sound so good, together with good health and time to enjoy it. Thanks for sharing

  29. Interesting ways to invest some time to make money. Great tips Rawlins :)


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