Believe in Chances

I was riding in my car, listening to Kool Fm's Segment: Refleksi Kool with Datuk Ustaz Karim Elias.
He was talking about going for success.

And this one analogy that he gave really resonate with me.
big bonus, Big Bonus by Rawlins, cari extra income, Extra Income by Rawlins, G8 Unity, G8Preneur, glampreneur, Rawlins GLAM, Hanis Haizi Protege,
Most people will see the 'walls' that will keep them from being successful when offered something new and alien to them. 

An instance is when a friend offers you a business proposal. Most of us will immediately think about the 'walls' that are waiting for us:
  • What if the business doesn't take off?
  • What if nobody wants to buy anything from me?
  • I do not have the knowledge to do business
  • I will certainly fail
  • I just do not like business
And most of us will not once consider/ realise that there are 'roads' beside the walls, just like in the picture.
There are a lot of people that have been successful in the field but we just don't like the odds.

And all these successful people have published books, presented in seminars and uploaded videos - to which we said no to because we just see the negative side of ourselves.
big bonus, Big Bonus by Rawlins, cari extra income, Extra Income by Rawlins, G8 Unity, G8Preneur, glampreneur, Rawlins GLAM, Hanis Haizi Protege,
Am I right?
We just do not think we could be them - another wall that we choose to run into.

But then Datuk Ustaz Karim Elias said 'A wall is there so that you could try to go over it. Get assistance to go over it'.
big bonus, Big Bonus by Rawlins, cari extra income, Extra Income by Rawlins, G8 Unity, G8Preneur, glampreneur, Rawlins GLAM, Hanis Haizi Protege,
Get real help from an expert.
Don't simply try to climb and think that you could do it on your own.

Alhamdulilah, I have made the right choice to accept the offer to become a G8Preneur with my mentor, Hanis Haizi. She and our G8Unity group helped each other to overcome hurdles and create creative ways to outdo all challenges.

Along the way, we made new friends and also extra cash too - because we are G8Preneur.
You want in for the extra money with us, the G8Preneur?

Let's meet up and talk about it ok.
We can find the right business model for you - no matter what your modal is.
big bonus, Big Bonus by Rawlins, cari extra income, Extra Income by Rawlins, G8 Unity, G8Preneur, glampreneur, Rawlins GLAM, Hanis Haizi Protege,

Rawlins GLAM

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  1. Siapa yang nak berjaya kena consult dengan Rawlins ni. Nak berjaya bukan senang. Banyak onak duri kena hadapi. Banyak pengorbanan yang kena buat.

  2. Dulu pernah juga join sebenarnya hai o sekejap. Tapi mungkin bukan jiwa menjual barang-barang macam ni kot. Kalau nak implement untuk barang yang berminat untuk dijual tu, mungkin boleh

  3. Sy ada 2 prinsip dlm hidup sy
    1. tiada usaha, tiada habuan tp dlm ms yg sama kena percaya dgn rezeki.
    2. Kadang2 kita kena korbankan sesuatu utk dptkan sesuatu

  4. Bukan senang nak senang
    Bila nak senang dan berjaya kena fikir jauh ke hadapan untuk ubah nasib diri

  5. nak berjaya memang kena usaha dan sentiasa ada kata-kata motivasi or dengar dari mentor2 so dapat boost up mood hihi

  6. pernh dgr juga dgr psl halangan atau jln yg kita akan pilih dlm sesuatu yg kita ingin tula bila pk byk halangan tu yg tk menjadi apa yg kita impikan sbb kita takut nk mencuba...kalo kita pk ada jln utk trus capai apa kita inginkn ..insya allah kita akan berjaya

  7. Kita semua dilahirkan bukannya terus pandai membaca. Kita perlu melalui pelbagai proses untuk jadi seperti sekarang. Haa macam tu la juga kalau kita nak berjaya, nak berjaya kena berusaha. Berani nak tanggung semua risiko dan berani mencuba sesuatu yang baru.

  8. Betul, setuju sangat. Dalam pada nk berjaya kena ambil peluang. Kalau tak, mmg tak bergerak. Dan in order ro bevsuccessful, mmg banyak onak dan lliku. Kena sabar n sentiasa berfikiran positif

  9. saya dalam keadaan fasa ni..memotivasikan sentiasa positig dan cuba capai peluang yang diberikan. kadang2 down2 juga tapi cepat je rmove on memandangkan hidup ni singkat nak fikr benda2 yang temeh

  10. Diri sendiri Kena kuat berusaha, fikirkan positif , kurangkan negatif, jangan give up. Bercampur dengan orang yg selalu beri semangat .

  11. Dah lama tak dengar kata-kata nasihat daripada Ustaz Kazim Alias ni hehehe tapi betul nak berjaya kita selalu nampak halangan bukan usaha sebenarnya...

  12. Wow! Totally agree with what you said! Definitely inspiring and true!

  13. very well said. I have encounter some situations recently. I believe it's a chances for me. Hope is there ya!

  14. Nak berjaya senang je kan.terus take action & jalan terus. Tak perlu dengan negativity di sekeliling.kalau tak, ada WALLS yang akan block perjalanan kita

  15. apa apa yang berlaku kena rajin rajin usaha sambil bertawakal kepada Allah. Usaha maksimum dan buat solat istikharah

  16. Kita ni akan ikut siapa kawan kawan kita. Kalau kita ni di lahirkan sebagai singa, tapi kawan dengan biri biri. Akhirnya percaya juga kita ni biri biri

  17. I totally agree when we change the things we see and we will benefit for it. Thanks for spreading the positivity!


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