Pusat Pungutan Zakat - The Best of 2018 and The Hopes for 2019

Kutipan Zakat, Pembahagian Zakat, Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan, PPZ, Pusat Pungutan Zakat, Aktiviti PPZ 2019, Rawlins GLAM,
Last Monday, I attended a press conference held by Pusat Pungutan Zakat (PPZ) at the Everly Hotel, Putrajaya.

As one of the past recipients of zakat (the asnaf), I always try my best to attend the events by PPZ-MAIWP - tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang, inikan pula tempat bermain. So, yeah. I would like to think that my sharing of PPZ's initiatives as a giving back to PPZ and the masses of friends out there.

Here are some my past postings, the evolvement of PPZ-MAIWP and of them giving back to the community in their outreach programme.
Alhamdulilah. In my own simple way of outreach, I managed to remind some of my friends of their duty - and they did their parts too.

After the press conference, I am so happy that the ever helpful and giving Malaysians certainly did their parts too and it reflects in the total amount of 2018 zakat collection and the total number of people paying zakat.
Kutipan Zakat, Pembahagian Zakat, Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan, PPZ, Pusat Pungutan Zakat, Aktiviti PPZ 2019, Rawlins GLAM,
That's a piece of very good news, especially to the deserving ones. The distribution of the zakat will certainly brighten a family's day. 

Baitulmal-MAIWP is the department of MAIWP that is responsible for the direct distribution of the zakat to the asnaf at all the Federal Territories. As of now, there are 28 Zakat aid schemes in place to assist the asnaf from all angles which include basic needs, housing, education, business, welfare and da'wah (some of the aid schemes are as listed below). More info in my last post [Zakat Distribution]:

  • Bantuan Kewangan Bulanan
  • Bantuan Sewa Rumah
  • Bantuan Pelajaran
  • Bantuan Perubatan
  • Bantuan Perniagaan
2019 Target
As to keep the momentum going, PPZ-MAIWP is targetting to collect RM710 million worth of zakat from 190,000 people in the year 2019 from Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan. Let us all assist PPZ-MAIWP in achieving this milestone.

2019 Activities
In order to achieve the targets, PPZ-MAIWP is adamant in educating and also interacting more with the masses hence the list of activities as below has been designed planned to further enhance the education effort and develop the human capital.
  • Kempen Penambahan Potongan Gaji
  • A special zakat for business program for GLC and GLIC as well as for the SME
  • Enhancing and developing a new/ current online system to ease the zakat payment experience
  • The appointment of new collection agents at the higher education institutions
  • Rebranding of the Kaunter Zakat into Pusat Perkhidmatan Zakat
  • Sharia studies to streamline the fatwa on zakat
  • Continuous human capital development to provide the latest techniques on effective marketing
  • To enhance collaboration with more partners
  • Promoting the reinstatement of zakat money to be paid by the payer himself
  • To promote Tabung Didik Zakat
  • And many more exciting, educating and interesting activities await in 2019
To know more, just head on to Pusat Pungutan Zakat or call the Talian Zakat [1-300-88-5757].

PPZ-MAIWP Web | PPZ-MAIWP Facebook | PPZ-MAIWP Twitter | PPZ-MAIWP Instagram

Rawlins GLAM 

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  1. Zakat is the good sedekah for muslim to help people yang kurang kemampuan. Semoga segalanya memberi manfaat atas kewajipan berzakat ini

  2. wah bgus lah baby. thank you tau for sharing at least ada something good to be remember and alert

  3. alhamdulillah.
    zakat is rukun Islam. kewajipan kpd yg mampu.
    semoga pembahagian nyer lebih meluas dan telus.
    yg penting, jgn sukar sgt golongan memerlukan nak apply.
    elakkan prosidur yg ketat.

  4. syukur dah makin ramai orang islam berkemampuan bayar zakat. moga semakin banyak hasil boleh bantu ekonomi orang islam terutama golongan yang memerlukan. good job pusat pungutan zakat wilayah

  5. Syukur alhamdulillah dah ada kesedaran dalam diri semua dan dan makin ramai buka mata dan minda uuntuk melunaskan zakat...good job PPZ MAIWP

  6. with Internet access so easy to go payment and even check info online. Now I can let friends know od this zakat too. they were asking of it last month

  7. mudahan boleh capai target, dipermudahkan semua urusan untuk aktiviti zakat dan boleh bantu ramai lagi orang yang memerlukan.

  8. Baguslah ada aplikasi online ni,memudahkan untuk membuat pembayaran,dah takde alasan tak sempat lagi hehe..

  9. Sekarang dah makin ramai sedar akan kepentingan zakat ni kan.
    Syukur dengan pembayaran zakat daripada kita semua, dapat membantu mereka, golongan yang memerlukan.
    Sebab mereka ada hak juga untuk dibantu.

  10. Well done Pusat Pungutan Zakat (PPZ). They had did so much effort to improve the result over the years. keep it up PPZ and hopefully everyone will contribute to their Zakat eventually.

  11. wah banyak peningkatan collection zakat tu. nampaknya orang ramai dah mula sedar akan zakat ni

  12. Very good information. Thanks for sharing. I will share with my muslim friends.

  13. bagus perkongsian ni rawlins...at least kita nampak apa zakat mampu buat dalam membantu masyarakat islam khasnya.moga terus istiqamah dalam membayar zakat

  14. Alhamdullilah ramai orang bertanggungjawab bayar zakat sampai dapat kutipan yang banyak. Bagus pusat zakat ni agihkan secara adil.

  15. banyak dah pihak maiwp buat untuk orang mudah bayar zakat ye..bagusla memudahkan orang..dan bagus guna blogger untuk hebahan semua ni

  16. Rasa happy bila dapat tahun hasil kutipan tu meningkat berbanding last year. Tak sesia pihak PPZ buat macam2 inisiatif utk bg kesedaran kat org ramai supaya bayar zakat. Mintak2 tahun depan pun meningkat banyak lagi.

  17. Banyak aktiviti yg menarik sempena 2019.. Bagus berzakat nie sbb leh bantu kelangsungan insan dan golongan yg memerlukan.. Moga aktiviti seperti ini dapat memberi manfaat pd semua..

  18. Seiring dgn teknologi. Bagus! Dan kesedaran kepada rakyat perlu ada.

  19. Zakat Responsibility for all muslim. Bagus informasi ni utk semua.


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