A'bloom Is Born

Just like magic, Althea launches its latest star of a beauty product range, lovingly named A'bloom. And as one of Althea Angels, it is my birthright to attend the launch and to be among the first ones to see the newborn.

With a theme of Pastel and hosted at such a beautiful cafe of Softsrve Ice Cream, Dessert & Balloon Bar at Plaza Arkadia, it is a beauty gathering that I could not miss.
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
Even before I was selected as one of Althea Angels, I always find that the products sold by Althea were of international quality and very affordable. Most of all, I have never had any skin allergies or reactions towards the products too - thus my trust and love to anything Althea.

Befitting the theme of the launch party, Softsrve Ice Cream, Dessert & Balloon Bar was turned into a beautiful makeup room, complete with a brightly lit makeup table and the place was covered with pink Althea balloons all over. And Althea products were strategically placed and displayed at abundance throughout the cafe. 
As usual, Mamasan Tammy Lim prepared tasks to be done by all Althea Angels before we ushered in the latest additions to the Althea A'bloom beauty squad - the tasks that we all love to do! Of course, the task involves drinking and eating the specialities of Softsrve Ice Cream, Dessert & Balloon Bar such as its coffee, tea and waffles with ice cream! It was a task that everyone happily obliged and eagerly taking part in!
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
A'bloom, A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster, A'bloom Mask, A'bloom Meringue Puff, Althea Korea, Angels Tour, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM
 After speeches given, we were given time to explore the newly launched beauty products and tools of A'bloom - A'bloom Meringue Puffs (Giant & Baby), A'bloom BHA Blackhead Blaster and A'bloom Refreshing Skin Mask.

A specially dedicated post for the new stars will be up soon, so do stay tune beauty people!
Again, for all affordable and quality beauty items, just give Althea Korea a go and I know you will love shopping there too.
Rawlins GLAM

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  1. meriah betul ye Althea launch party ni. Dengan tema pastel, menarik betul!

  2. Wow such fun tasks to do, i'm sure it doesn't feel like a task at all hehe. And the party looks fun too.

  3. Whoa bestnya dapat join event althea. I really love their new product. Semua I dah try and worth every penny

  4. Bestnya dapat join event dari Althea.. Meriah sungguh. Dapat berkumpul dengan kawan kawan blogger lagi.
    Pastu Althea pun keluarkan produk baru yang best. Kan best kalau Althea bagi i sekotak suprise ni. Hehe

  5. Bestnya Rawlins dapat join event Althea ni. Mwriah tau. Dahlah kaler pink favourite kaler Mimi . Yang best Althea launching produk baru A Bloom tu kan. Althea tak pernah tak best. Semua best best belaka .

  6. Wahhhh meriah betul althea punya parti nie. Suka tengok warna tema yg dipilih, lembut dan tenang je tengok. Malah produk2 yg diperkenalkan comel2 ! Dari hari tu tengok org ckp pasal mask tu, teringin pulak nak cuba

  7. Seronok betul tengok event event Althea ni. Mesti meriah dan fun je tengok. Beruntung Rawlins to be part of the journey kan? Banyak ilmu dan experience baru tentang produk Althea dapat kutip. Terbaikkkk

  8. Looks interesting. Fun activities to join and learn more about the products

  9. Cantiknya dekorasi party Althea , yess abloom sangat best

  10. yeahh kita dah cuba jugaa...memang best semuanya tau..fruit mask dia buat muka kita lembap dan segar je..blackhead dapat tanggal denagn mudal..meringue puff tu paling geram..ehhee..comel je..senang pakai blend untuk makeup

  11. Wah!! Meriah betol parti althea nie kan?? Produk2 althea nie mmg menarik, pelbagai n diyakini keberkesanannya.. AM pun berminat nak mencuba nnti

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Lembut warna pilihan parti Althea ni. Qiss suka sangat dengan produk keluaran baru Althea. Very affordable and too cute. Selalu beli buat koleksi jer.kalau ada masa, nak juga join event Althea

  14. Bestnya dapat join party Althea ni. Teringin nak gi tapi bertindih pulak dgn event lain. Harap next event dapat join

  15. Pretty, Beautiful, Cute event! Cantik gila rawlins setup event A'Bloom ni, rasa macam nak menangis tengok. Aiskrim tu pun menggoda betul. Nyesal onie tak pergi haritu,huwarrrrr

  16. Enjoy btl geng Althea best dpt join seronok dan meriah btl

  17. Tudiaaa althea keluar range baru pulakkk. Duh aduh aduh..aduh² dia buat lagi..ahahaha.
    Eh gebu.. rasa macam nak makan je puff bulat2 tu.

  18. So meriah nyer! dah lama kita tak jumpa mamasan rindu lat dia juga and you all look so happy, bagus bagus.


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