Eye Cream for Face? AHC Says Yes and Here's How

AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
Eye Cream for Face? AHC Says Yes and Here's How | Hello everyone. That's one weird title, right? An eye face for cream? 

In Korea, eye cream has been used for face as the effects are so amazing that it can be used over the entire face! WHAT?

My whole life I have been advised to use different creams for different facial areas so why is this eye cream enough for the whole face?

My curiosity gets the better of me, and that's why I registered myself for the Butterfly Project Malaysia x AHC Malaysia Beauty Ritual Workshop earlier in November. 
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
Traveling from Bangi, in public transport, with a bare face and very early in the morning - the struggle is real guys! Imagine your skin - naked for everyone' s to see. Luckily not so many people in the KTM so yeah, I was ok.

The workshop was held at LuxAsia Training Room located at Northpoint Midvalley. The professionally and tastefully decorated training room and the beautiful, neat tables certainly fit the theme of the day - beauty training workshop.
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
The workshop started with Mamasan Tammy Lim welcoming us all and congratulated us all for braving the morning with our bare faces. Haha. Then an introduction about AHC (Aesthetic Hydration Cosmetics) and a step-by-step beauty ritual video by AHC was shared with the crowd. 

Guess what - the star product of the day - The Real Eye Cream for Face by AHC is the most sought after beauty product in Korea - one is sold every 2 seconds. Which means that's over 43K units sold in a day! This figure gets me even more intrigued to know what's the big deal is about this particular eye cream.

Before applying the cream to the face, following the demonstrations by the video and also by the expert, then it was time to apply the techniques with the real thing. 
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
We were first told to use the AHC Premium Hydra B5 Toner and Lotion, to prep the skin. These two were so premium, I think my skin just rejoices when the two products touched my skin.

So, here's the step-by-step #AHCBeautyRitual that we learned during the workshop. It is simple - just loving yourself by spending some time to love our own skin.
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
  1. Apply lines of cream under the eyes, forehead, cheeks and chin.
  2. Massage the neck from the front to the back, applying pressure using the palms of hands
  3. Massage from the center of the face outwards applying pressure towards  temples, behind ears and towards the contour of jawline and chin
  4. Stroke the lower eyes frames with the ring finger, increasing the pressure towards temples and lifting eyebrows.
  5. Gently press the upper eyes frames and eyelids towards temples.
  6. Massage using middle fingers, lifting the corners of the mouth to prevent laugh lines and draw blood circulation to mouth area (making fuller lips)
  7. Apply pressure at the nose bridge on each side and stroke upwards
  8. Form a fist and stroke the forehead upwards using the soft part of the knuckles.
  9. Make a peace sign. Place fingers between the ear and massage.
  10. Face 45 degrees to the right, keeping the body and shoulders facing forward. Place right hand behind the left ear, stroke down to the neck and the shoulders. Apply a generous amount of pressure to release tension. Repeat the same on the other side.
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
It is so simple, right? Just take some time to practice all these steps and your skin will love you back.

Q: Guys, how's your facial beauty regime like?
A: Just take whatever lotion available on my mum or my sister's dresser, and splatter everything on face. I am ready.

Most of my guys friends are just like the above. Some don't even bother putting anything on the face. Au naturale is better they say. 

Again, some will say 'I don't have the time to spare to go through all these steps!'.

Remember, Loving Oneself Is The Greatest Revolution.
And, putting @ loving yourself first is never selfish!

You can get the AHC Eye Cream for Face (or any other AHC products) from Watsons store or Hermo online store. 
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,

As we have been loving our skin, it was only right for us to love our tummy too right? These finger foods were just yummy, finger-licking good!
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,
AHC Malaysia, The Butterfly Project Malaysia, Beauty by Rawlins, Rawlins GLAM, AHC Eyes Cream for Face, Love your skin, Love Yourself, AHC Beauty Ritual, K Beauty,

Rawlins GLAM

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  1. tak pernah terpikir eye cream boleh guna utk muka juga. nice sharing :)

  2. Interesting. First time I dengar eye cream yg juga boley digunakan for the whole face. Thank you for sharing your review. I enjoyed reading it.

  3. Eye cream, pernah pakai. Tapi 1 masalah saya, dalam banyak2 skincare items eye cream paling payah sekali nak konsisten. Dan most of the time malas 😅. BTW my eye cream pun boleh pakai 1 muka especially kalau ada tempat tertentu yang ada parut degil.

  4. been heard about AHC brand for so longggg! and i've read reviews from many bloggers and skincare buddies and it makes me wanna try it in the future hehehe

  5. Bestnya event butterfly tak pernah tak best, menarik betul boleh try produk AHC, terima kasih Rawlin kongsikan info produk ni, rasa terigin nak cuba produk tu nanti.

  6. So now I have another secret to keep my skin flawless with eye cream. I wanna grab this brand for my arms too!!!

  7. Wahh so interesting. First time kita dengar eye cream pon boleh guna untuk the whole face.Thank you for sharing

  8. Eye cream memang skincare wajib Sis, Yelah..bila dah masuk pertengahan umur ni...memang kena jaga banyak benda kalau skin nak kekal awet muda. Kannn. Lepas ni bolehlah cuba cream ni sebab sesuai untuk di pakai whole face. Amat berguna ketika travel. Tak perlu bawa banyak barang skincare dah.

  9. Bestnya tengok event ni.. Tengok rawlins masaage muka pun memng dengan teknik macam tu.. Memeng rest muka.. Produk pun menarik.. Ni produk eye cream tapi boleh guna dekat muak erk

  10. wah hebatnya rawlins! pagi2 gerak gi event mcm tu je. hehe. ingat ke event ni untuk wanita je. nnti bolehlah nak ikut rawlins sekali

  11. Wahhh letopsssss. Tak pernah lagi cuba brand ni spi agak.mearik juga

  12. inovatif lah cream yang dikeluarkan ni. so boleh fokus both skin and eye jugak. and banyak unit terjual in one day ! memang menakjubkan.


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