Angan Merintih by Iqa Nizam | Honestly, this is my first time ever writing a review about a song. And why did I chose this particular one? The title - it immediately captured my attention.

I googled for the lyrics and somehow, I could relate to it! The lyrics somehow was narrating my last failed relationship. Hahaha
El Hadam - did you somehow knew about my past relationship and turned it into Angan Merintih? Hahaha.
LAGU / LIRIK: EL HADAMAlbum : Iqa Nizam - Angan Merintih℗ & © 2020 INSICTECH MUSICLAND SDN BHDPublishing: MEDIA ASIA PRODUCTION SDN BHDTelah Tercipta, Saat Dirasakan TibaMenjunjung Nikmat Bahgia Tanpa DugaNamun Terselit SesuatuYang Menyakitkan Tanpa Segan SiluMana Mungkin,Ku Kan Menjadi Sasaranmu LagiKerana Ku Tahu Kau Hanya MembuatkuKu Berangan Dalam BeraduDisaksikan Bulan Indah Cantik MengambangTemani Hatiku Sepinya DibunuhmuBicara Katamu Membuatku AkurKisah Tersimpan Hanya MimpikuBiar Sakit Dalam Diri Ku SendiriTakku Biar Mereka Menangis UntukkuKerana Ku Yakin Disebalik KisahkuTersimpan Harga Tiada Ternilai
As mentioned above, the lyrics transported back to my last failed relationship. Spending all those years together, we (at least I was) grew in this fairy tale that we will be together, raising our own little family together - heck! We even had names for our future kids too!
Even until these days, those who knew us back then, my friends will always say 'You guys were so perfect for each other - constantly affectionate towards each other'. But yeah - just like that part 'Disaksikan bulan indah cantik mengambang' - with the right lighting and the right angle, even the darkest of the night could look beautiful and serene, right?
Iqa and El Hadam, I could feel the hurt and the pain from the lyrics (as it seems that it was about my life experience - emo much hahaha). But you know what, what doesn't kill us will make us much stronger!
Enough about me.
You may play and/ or download the song from all these various platforms.
Apple Music/iTunes:
And if you wish to assign Angan Merintih as your Caller Ringtone, pick your telco here and assign away!
Maxis CallerRingtones -- Dial *131*669926#, press Send/ Call DiGi CallerTunes -- Dial *233*1373151# press Send/ Call Celcom CallMeTones -- Dial *323*738750# press Send/ Call U Mobile ColourTones -- Type CRM 10051619 send to 28383
Sing away, all!
#IqaNazim #ElHadam #AnganMerintih #RawlinsReviews #LoveSong #InsictechMusicland #ICSYVMY #SlowRock #RawlinsLifestyle
Ramainya tgk yang review pasal penyanyi baru ni. Mesti letops dan viral kan dia. Moga kerjaya beliau terus berkembang la
ReplyDeletelagu pun boleh buat orang menangis..kalau tengah time putus cinta ni memang mendayu-dayu la emosi dengar lagu ni.hehe
ReplyDeleteIras muka Ara. Tadi keluar kt WHI tv3. Dapatlah dengar live. Suara not bad. Unik tone suara
ReplyDeleteOhhhhh, i need a tissue please, sorry for read this about your past relationship, don't ya worry someone better is waiting for you. Yeah, actually this was my first time get to know about Iqa Nizam. I just love her voice the first moment I listen to her latest single. Nice right.
ReplyDeletesuara dia macam ada seorang penyanyi ni, tak ingat sapa, ke cara nyanyi kot. by the way sedap suara. all the best
ReplyDeleteDah besar dah budak ni.. suara dia kan, bila dengar memang dia lontarkan dari dalam, all out terus, betul tak.. takde dengo suara control ayu gitu..sukaa sangat..
ReplyDeleteAll the best Iqa Nizam. Nanti akak nak dengar kat Spotify. On tak onz lirik dah best. Hehe.
ReplyDeleteWahhhh tahniah Iqa Nizam di atas pelancaran single terbaru. Dah dengar dah. Not bad. Penghayatan yg bagus. Good job. Semoga terus sukses !
ReplyDeleteMula dengar macma biasa jer lagi ni tapi kalau dah hari-hari dengar rasa tertarik lak hehehe siap boleh hafal lirik lagi lepas ni boleh karok lah jom Rawlins...
ReplyDeleteBaru jer layan lagu ni kat youtube, best jaga sampai i repeat a few times.
ReplyDeleteDari haritu dh dengar lagu dia ni. Sedap suara dia. Rentak pun best.. Semoga dia terus maju dlm industri seni.. Dh ramai post smpai terhafal lagu dia
ReplyDeleteBoleh tahan jugak suara Iqa Nizam ni. memang boleh pergi jauh dia ni. lagu pun not bad sedap.
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