Lulu Welcomes 2021 with a Big Bang YES | I have always frequented Lulu Hypermarket for my grocery shopping for its huge sales and the variety of products that it has. When Covid-19 happened and the whole of Malaysia was put under lockdown earlier this year, I have to stop my monthly shopping routine to the one in Kuala Lumpur.

Just a few days ago, as I flipped through the FB, I saw its ads for a Big Bang Year End Sale deals starting from 29 December 2020 up until 3 January 2021! Oh dear heart! Quickly, I jumped into my ride and was among the first customers to line up in front of the doors this morning. Of course, all SOPs were in place - the 1 -m social distancing, the temp check and QR scan and whatnot.
I always arm myself with a shopping list whenever I go to Lulu Hypermarket. Do I stick to it? Never. And this time I failed to discipline myself, yet again. Why? Because the offers were too much to handle that I couldn’t resist from buying some items that I might use in the future.
And my usual ‘attack strategy’ is going from the top to the bottom floor of Lulu Hypermarket. The top floor, Level 2 houses the digital goods, home decor and household items.
Hurm. Should I get a new lappy? Or should I get the pressure cooker? I was also contemplating to buy another wok - despite that I seldom cook. The attractive discounts are not helping at all.

The first floor (Fashion & Lifestyle) is usually where I will stay a bit longer as the level houses health care and grooming and also Lulu Celebrate section where the colourful and beautiful sarees, churidas and lehangas aplenty. And I peeked at the discounts at the section. A whopping up to 35% discount is available on all sarees, churidas and lehangas. For those who have been wanting to add these collections into their wardrobe, now is the right time to get all these beautiful fabrics!

The grand finale of my ‘attach strategy’ would have to be the ground floor where I would just touring and picking groceries items leisurely. There are items that are only available in Lulu Hypermarket and that’s what have been keeping me coming for more.
As I was heading towards my car with the haul, I saw another notice about the upcoming sale @ Lulu Hypermarket. From 1 Jan - 3 Jan 2021, there will be a flat 50% discount on fashion, footwear and ladies bag. Whereas, there will be a flat 35% discount on all items at the Lulu Celebration section (imagine all those beautiful fabrics calling at you).

Oh. There will also be discounts up to 50% for selected items and grocery goods too. So, you know that I will there again comes New Year 2021!
Will I see you here too?
If you want to know more about the upcoming sales and discounts, stalk them on their social medias!
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#LuluHypermarket #BigBangYearEndSale #BigBangYES #LuluBigBangSale #LuluKL #LuluShamelin #JomkeLulu #RawlinsGLAM #RawlinsShops #RawlinsLifestyle
Dah lama tak ke Lulu sbb jauh sikit dr rumah tp memang seronok shopping sini mcm2 ada dan harga pun murah.
ReplyDeleteI really want to visit this HyperMarket in the future. OMG! Just look at the myriads of products that we could buy. So many varieties indeed. Got to take advantage of this big bang yes sales! :D
ReplyDeleteWahhh banyaknya barang yang best jatuh harga! Btw, Rawlin nak tarik papan carom tu pergi mana tuuuu hahaha
ReplyDeleteBanyak betul discount dia..haha..year end sales sampailahh ke new year betul
ReplyDeletewah murah giler boleh dapat diskaun sampai separuh harga. memang dashyat jualan akhir tahun sedar2 tahun depan poket dah kosong..haha:P
ReplyDeleterawlins tak ajak pun nak shopping sesama. ni nak merajuk ni hehe. bestlah bila ada diskaun banyak2 ni :)
ReplyDeleteseronoknya dapat shopping kat lulu. dah la murah. big bang sales lagi lah murah
ReplyDeleteTak tahan tengok semua barang.. Diskaun banyak tu. Lulu asyik ada diskaun je erk.. Best betul.. Tapi tubla tak lama. Rasa nak terjah juga ni.. Ahhaha
ReplyDeleteWow, such great discounts at Lulu! Too bad there's none near my place. But if I happen to be in the area, I'll definitely check it out.
ReplyDeleteSeronok betul tengok sale kat Lulu ni. Jeles plak rasa sebab dekat Ipoh belum ada Lulu...buka cawangan ipoh pula plisss
ReplyDeletewow sales 50% tu syok sangat..boleh laa beli semua benda yang ada dlm wish list kalau ada sales 50% dan keatas.
ReplyDeleteNanti tanya dia Rawlins, taknak ke bukak kat Johor aaaa hahahahaha...
ReplyDeleteGilerr murah semua dan paling suka nengok susun atur tempat barang, kemas dan tersusun..
Berbaloi belanja time sale. Banyak produk dan barangan ditawarkan pada harga cukup menarik
ReplyDeleteyay I want to shopping at Big Bang Year End Sale Lulu this long weekend! So many things to buy
ReplyDeleteWahhh Nell nampak ada persimmon tadi... Mur mur lak tue... boleh la pergi grab them before kehabisan nanti.. my mom's favorite ni :)
ReplyDeleteWah.. Lulu dah ula buat sales, tgk byk discout mc2 brg ada kat Lulu dah lama tak pg shopping
ReplyDeleteLulu Hypermarket is da best! I miss shopping there, think it's time for me to return cause I'm looking for saree and they have the best choices.
ReplyDeletei nak pergi shopping with u boleh... rindu gelak ketawa korang lah... nak gi lulu jugak!!
ReplyDeletewah, the sales they had was really a BANG. totally affordable and the choices are wide-ranging and all-inclusive too!
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming by.
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