2 hours ago
The Boat [Movie Review] | I have never heard of this movie before until I saw the poster on one of the many whatsapp gr…
Next GLAM storyAva [Movie Review] | MCO 2.0 has really got me going as I'm going all out to watching all the movies that I could f…
Next GLAM storyDaybreakers [Movie Review] | The movie was suggested in an FB page so I decided to watch it. Guess I'm in the mood …
Next GLAM storyWhat's Cooking @ Foodies Gourmet Market & Café, Bandar Kinrara? | A week before MCO 2.0 was announced, my frien…
Next GLAM storySightless [Movie Review] | Before Covid-19, I always find time to watch movie every week, if I'm not attending even…
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