Revealing My Secret Correa | The never-ending episodes of MCO has got me 'bulking up' and not in a good way. With the gym is closed most of the times and there were times when exercising in public areas were prohibited, I tried my best to exercise at home. But you know how it is when you're home - the food is just within reach.

As my doctor has advised me not to get too 'comel' (us vertically-challenged people is highly likely to get obese BMI reading due to the lack of height), I need to lose weight before my next appointment with him, or he'll have me registered into the obesity clinic.
I know the best solution would be to exercise more. But I want to lose more. My research brought me to Secret Correa. A wholly Bumiputra owned company, Ms Azila registered the company (SC Global Resources Sdn Bhd) in 2015 and focuses on premium quality beauty and health products.
There were a few other products that they have but I was attracted to these two bestsellers - Secret Correa Coffee and Secret Correa Slimming Lotion.
I decided to try these two products as a little push goes a long way in my bid to a healthier me!

The coffee is a special concoction of green coffee, honey, dates and nano sweet sugar. The nano sweet sugar originates from the hard skin of black sugar cane whereas the creamer is from palm kernel. Thus this coffee is suitable for consumption by diabetic patients and expecting mothers too. Some breastfeeding mothers also experiencing milk-boosting after consuming the coffee.
My review of the coffee? For adults, it was advised to have a sachet in the morning and another before sleeping. The first three days, I realised that my business in the toilet was smoother and a tad heavier too. Then it became normal as usual. After two weeks of consuming the Secret Correa Coffee, I feel a tad lighter too (I haven't weighed myself yet). And somehow, I think my complexion cleared a bit too.
From my previous experiences with health products, I know that when you excrete toxins frequently, your skin complexion will become better too. And it helps if you drink lots of fluids too. I realised that I drink a lot of plain water after consuming the coffee too.

The taste? It is less sweet than my usual premixed coffee - because of the nano sugar. Which is good for a person of my age.
And thank God for the coffee, I managed to get through the days when I had to WFH as WFH seems to carry the meaning 'work non-stop' hahaha. And I sleep better too, despite the popular beliefs that you'll stay awake if you drink coffee before sleep.
Secret Correa Slimming Lotion

As my friends Cik Lily Putih and Kolin swore that the lotion works, I decided to give it a try too. Reading the testimonies from the Secret Correa IG also shifted my judgement too.
The fact that the lotion is minty and cold, and not the burning-hot sensation like any other slimming lotions seems to be the selling-factor to me. I've tried some other slimming lotions and at one point, I was crying loudly as the lotion was literally burning my skin.
The Secret Correa Slimming Lotion has the minty and cooling sensation that I don't mind rubbing it all over the trouble areas (and there's a lot nowadays hahaha).

Here are the benefits of the premium secret ingredients of the Secret Correa Slimming Lotion.
- Sunflower collagen: The sunflower seeds oil is rich in Vitamin E. Vit E is specifically related to improving skin health and regenerating cells. Antioxidants like Vit. E neutralises free radicals, keeping them from destroying or damaging health cells
- Guarano: It helps to improve skin tone, reduce acne and act as moisturiser. It also helps to lose weight and gain energy
- Hedera helix: An active saponin which is responsible for blood vessel protection and permeability decrease. It also further helps to reabsorb the edemas present in the initial stages of cellulite.
How was my experience with the Secret Correa Slimming Lotion? The first night that I applied the lotion (I applied is small amount as tester), I slept like a baby. No burning and uncomfortable sensation whatsoever. And there's no weird 'minyak angin' smell that I really hate.
So I gave it another try by applying some before heading to work. And I asked my colleagues if they smell anything - NOTHING. Yes! Oh yes - an important point to share - the lotion is solat friendly too.
After religiously applying the lotion nightly before sleep and every morning before work, I noticed that some scars on my body lessens. And my skin is kinda moist.
So, have I shed any loss yet? As I mentioned earlier, I have yet to weigh myself. But it seems that flabby underarms of mine look firmer now.
Now that I have positive experiences with these two products of Secret Correa, I think I ought to try the other products that they have in store. I am eyeing the Forea Fundation at the moment. The fact that they are selling a miniature version (3ml @ RM10) is a great selling strategy.
You might as well stalk their social media accounts to know more about the products and their exciting promotions too.
Website | Facebook | Instagram
i suka coffee and kalau lawas lagi suka sebab kadang kurang minum air susah nak membuang
ReplyDeleteBestnya kegunaan dua produk yg saling berkait.. kopi dan cream utk.kuruskan badan
ReplyDeletei am on diet skang, rawlins. perlukan ni jugak!
ReplyDeleteslept like a baby... alamak aii :) ha ha ha ha...
tak pakai lotion ni pun aida da tido lena, apatah lagi dgn ni, kan.
memang tgh cari kopi / minuman diet pun. yg berkhasiat.
as at now, eat clean, sauna everyday dan 2-4 kali walking (sehari 5k steps).
tq rawlins sebab share ni.
nak korek info. like lotion tu.
Best ni...! Kak nina suka coffee dan slimming cream tu boleh laaa try. Manalah tahu kombinasi dua dua mampu buat kita kurus kann?
ReplyDeleteWaa kpi dia sekali untuk mengkempiskan perut ekk.. betul punya rahsia ni..
ReplyDeletePertama kali juga tau ada kopi yang keluarkan sekali krim panas macam ni.. bagusnya laaa..
Nak juga laa cuba...
Wahhh, seem like i need both of these products la.. PKP berlanjutan ni buat me lagi risau.. dengan gym tak buka, swimming pool hanya mampu tengok dari atas jer..
ReplyDeletebrand ni glamer juga kan untuk kuruskan badan. rasa cam nak kena beli gak lah. memang struggle kan nak jaga makan di rumah
ReplyDeleteI read the Correa as Korea at first glance... Hehehehe... I am indeed in a hunt for this kind of product as well as I believed that definitely I am gaining weight (all because of the easy to reach food syndrome)... With no social activities being carried out, yeah, I am in need of this Secret Correa Coffee and Secret Correa Slimming Lotion... Nanti nak recce...
ReplyDeletewow this looks like a very powerful and effective combo for slimming! it helps to tackle weight issues from the inside and outside. i am so tempted to give these products a try soon! :)
ReplyDeleteNo wonder you are always steady fit!! I wanna learn about this tactic too wei
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