Having Slow Wi-Fi Connection at Home? What Causes It? | In these days when most of our times are spend online and in the virtual world, what is your idea of an internet-ready household? Is it something like the picture below, where all corners of your house is wi-fi ready?
Well, this is exactly my idea of an ideal internet-ready household. Every corner is connected via a strong wi-fi connection, no matter where I am at. But sadly, that is not the case at my home.
Oh. For your information, I subscribed to the 300 Mbps package.
I get a good (not great) wi-fi connection in the living room but the connection is kinda slow in the bedrooms. And my crib is just a two-bedroom apartment on the 3rd floor! I don't even have a huge beam or many partitions in my apartment that could interfere with the wi-fi connection.
I had contacted the internet service provider (ISP) about my problem. Some technicians advised and even came to assist me to enhance the wi-fi connection. And no, my wi-fi connection is still poor in the bedrooms.
Why is a reliable wi-fi connection in the bedrooms important to me? I need the reliable wi-fi connection to enable me to watch some movies and Tik Tok videos before going to sleep (yes, I need to watch something before sleeping - or to be accurate, all these videos will lull me to sleep). But seriously, with a 300 Mbps internet package, one would expect that the wi-fi connection would be very reliable but I guess, I was wrong.
The gif above explains my feelings accurately whenever I try to watch a movie or a Tik Tok video in my bedroom. I couldn't possibly sleep in my living room all the time, could I?
And there are times (so many times) when I got kicked out of online meetings and conferences due to poor wi-fi connection. And this happened on my officer corner in my living room.
Frustrated with the performance, I even changed my ISP, in hopes that the condition will improve. At first, it did. And I was so happy with my wi-fi connection.
Then it happened again. I called the technical team who assisted me with the problem - resetting the modem and/ or changed the wi-fi channel.
Guess what? Still the same. The connection is not bad but it is not great either, especially when all there are online meetings and virtual conferences that I need to attend on a daily basis.
And when my friends and cousins come over, the connection worsens as there are more devices connected to my internet service. One of my cousin even asked if I was only subscribed to 30 Mbps internet package.

A year in with the global Covid-19 pandemic, I don't want keep on getting frustrated and ridiculed by the performance of my home wi-fi connection. Based on a recommendation of a friend, I contacted an expert who visited my apartment and showed me what was actually wrong with my wi-fi connection.
Mr Mazlan from Power Link Transmission Sdn Bhd (PLT) came over and 'investigated' my wi-fi mystery. This was what the speedtest showed - not much different from the video above.
By the way, all these 'investigation' is provided for free by Mr Mazlan. For now, his service only covers Klang Valley.

Guess what guys? The wi-fi was lagging due to the router's performance and not the connection.
Mr Mazlan plugged his device and asked me to check the speedtest. I was SHOCKED! Then he asked me to go into the bedroom and watch a 4K movie on Youtube. I did and again was pleasantly surprised that the movie did not lag or buffer, AT ALL! I even moved the cursor ahead and the scene immediately played with no buffering at all (unlike before where I can even go to the kitchen and come back, and the movie is still buffering).
What kind of magic is this?
As Mr Mazlan showed during the free demo, the 'plug and play' wi-fi router that he brought is the high-performance wi-fi access point that enable wider and more consistent coverage to provide the user with much better wi-fi signal, faster and reliable connection, even when connected with 100 devices.
There will be no rewiring or drilling or any demolish work needed for the device to work. Just plug and play.

I tried to proof him wrong and I made a three-way whatsapp video call with my friends, from my bedroom.
Again I was pleasantly surprised that not only the video call was clear. Even when I moved my smartphone frantically - there was not lagging, at all.
So guys, don't blame the ISP or the weather or anything else when your wi-fi is acting up. It is none of their fault - it is the wi-fi device that you have at home.
Don't believe me? Just contact Mr Mazlan for a FREE DEMO and you will be pleasantly surprised too. Just have him come over and investigate the mystery of your 'weak' or 'slow' internet connection. He will show you the 'plug and play' magic and you'll realise that no matter what your ISP is, the rascal behind all those lagging and buffering is actually the device.

Just holler at Mr Mazlan here and he'll come running to your aid [http://www.wasap.my/+60192307867/tolong+la+nak+WiFi+laju+mencanak]
*only for Klang Valley for now
PLT Website | PLT FB | PLT IG
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yes baby! line wifi dekat rumah memang slow gilossssss yee. so memang kena pakai peranti macam ni . ceyy perantiii hahahahaa
ReplyDeleteYe betul. Ingat bila dah 300 Mbps, kira power. Sekali peranti punya hal rupanya hahaha
DeleteSis ni kalau bab internet bole sampai naik angin kalau lembab sangat. Dania pun angin kalau tengah online class tiba2 terputus atau slow. Stress!!
ReplyDeleteStress sebab tengah2 meeting tetiba kena kick - pastu meeting dgn partner overseas plak tu
DeleteUitsss 1st time tau psl ni. Memang stress bila internet slow nak hari tu masa anak pdpr jadi hulk dibuatnya. Tq sharing rawlins
ReplyDeleteJadi hulk ye hehe
DeleteOh mai... I think i need this too, i have the same connection that the connection in my master room is so slow ya, sometime no connection at all.. So we going to replace the new device is it?
ReplyDeleteNo need to change, just plug & play this device and all will be great again
DeletePatutlah sakan ko layan Movie ek Rawlins, wifi connection ko laju gilerr... perghh tapi ni Sis baru tau gak macam mana nak settlekan masaalah ni.. okay nak save this..
ReplyDeleteEhhh betul la tu hahahaha
Deletemmg kekdang device wifi yang menjadi punca,,,,seb baik cik mazlan datang demo dapatlah belajar ttg kelajuan wifi yang sebenar
ReplyDeleteNanti boleh ajar anak2 cara yang sebetulnya kan
DeleteWow beza betul eh speed sebelum & selepas. 4 kali ganda tuu. Boleh laaa cerita dekat husband. Tapi tula, only for Klang Valley ajeeee
ReplyDeleteNanti dia akan expand. Pastikan simpan no Mr Mazlan tu
DeleteLine ni kalau sangku2 memng buat stress ye.. Dhla byr mhl tapi teraangkut2.. Bagus ade mr mazlan boleh tolong chevkan.. Terus desup laju ye
ReplyDeleteMemang berdesup lajunya
Deletewoow...yes yes, at times very frustrated esp when watching exciting drama then always got hang & sangkut here there, thanks for sharing this informative info here. learnt them. cheers, siennylovesdrawing
ReplyDeletePeranti tu boleh beli kat Low Yatt ke? Macam best je dapat kelajuan internet hampir maksimum. Bayar bulan-bulan tapi macam siput b@b1
ReplyDeleteAiyok laju nya. Kita pun sakit jiwa gak line slow cm siput ni. Time Nak buat Keje, time tu la Dia Nak bersukaria slow. Haish. Nak kena Cuba device ni
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming by.
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