TOP Introduces The Latest Technology Innovation That's Proven to Remove Viruses | Just now (19 May 2021), the new Covid-19 cases was announced as the highest number of new cases, 6,075 with 46 death cases recorded. And I am so scared for everybody's safety.
Are we doing enough?
When will all these pass?
When will I be able to see my parents and family in Sarawak again if this situation persists?
And I just can't wait for everyone to receive their vaccines, at least with vaccination the risk of transmission is lesser. So please friends, kindly register yourself and your family members for vaccination and get them all protected.

Are you doing the same too, friends? I hope you are doing the same.
As my family has been using TOP's detergent since forever, it is by default that I am also using TOP's to wash all my clothes. TOP's latest technology innovation is proven to remove 99.9% of viruses including SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 and Influenza A.
According to Ms Carmen Foo, the Senior General Manager for the Southern Lion Sdn Bhd, Malaysian consumers have wisely selected TOP Advanced Micro-Clean Tech for its 99.9% anti-virus removal functionality, as a responsible choice to better protect their family members and the community.
"Even before the pandemic, Lion Corporation of Japan had been researching anti-virus detergent technology to give our users a more hygienically lifestyle. The latest technology, TOP Advanced Micro-Clean Tech™, is introduced only after exhaustive formula development to ensure it works against viruses, the SARS-CoV-2 virus in particular. For TOP, we are glad to do our part as part of #kitajagakita by providing this innovative detergent range."
"We are proud to be empowering Malaysians from the community level to be aware and to care through TOP's breakthrough innovation. Each of us can play an important part by taking small steps such as using face masks, sanitising hands and washing our clothes with a detergent than can remove the virus. The TOP Advanced Micro-Clean Tech™ is a direct response to consumer insights on their concerns that the deadly virus could still cling on to laundered clothes thus posing risks to their loved ones." she further explained.
Through exhaustive formula development, this specially curated multi-tech formulation works immediately upon contact by locking the viruses and bacteria, then removing them off clothes with one powerful wash.
TOP's Advanced Micro-Clean Tech builds on the strength of existing formulation that comes with all the functionality that TOP is famed for, including its anti-sebum, anti-malodour, anti-mite dust and added with the assurance that it removes 99.9% of harmful viruses and bacteria for optimum protection that cleans deeply to dislodge trapped invisible stains and prevent them from redepositing onto laundry. Thus keeping your laundry really hygienically clean and smell fresher for longer, every time.

“Since I have been back at work, I have been worried that I may have brought the virus back with me on my clothes as my mother lives with us. We need to be careful. When I saw that TOP could remove 99.9% of viruses including COVID-19, I got it immediately for my family. Our routine when we get home is to remove used clothes, put them in a laundry basket with a close-fitting cover, and have a shower. We do laundry every evening to reduce the risk of transmission. I feel happy to use TOP because it can remove 99.9% of viruses,” said Wenny Soong, a hairstylist and mother of two.

“Before the pandemic I didn’t know the difference between virus and bacteria. I was anxious as I may inadvertently spread the disease to my family, friends, customers & co-workers as I am a frontliner. I found that TOP removes 99.9% of viruses including the COVID-19 from my clothes, and this gives me assurance and peace of mind. It is the responsibility of every one of us to safeguard the health of all of us. It’s #kitajagakita. I’m extra careful about cleanliness and hygiene even more now than before. None of us should be a super-spreader,” says Muhammad Syahidee, a delivery driver, who felt that it was his responsibility to reduce the risk of transmission by using a trusted detergent.

“My parents use TOP, and I use TOP for many years too as their anti-malodour and anti-sebum function help tremendously for sweaty laundry that is dried indoors. I’m glad that all the functions I love about TOP detergent are still in the new detergent that removes 99.9% of viruses including those cause COVID-19. TOP really cleans deeply and well, both visible and invisible stains and I can feel it. I love the fragrance of laundry washed with TOP,” said Syakirah Yusof, a lawyer and a loyal TOP user.

As to resonate with what was shared by these amazing people, it is never to careful to take that extra steps in us assisting the country and the whole world in combatting the pandemic. We do our own small parts in ensuring the safety of our loved ones and the community and gradually but surely, we will triumph over this global pandemic.
As a multi-award-winning brand, TOP is trusted by consumers and recognised by the industry. Among its most recent accolades: People’s Choice Gold Winner at the Putra Brand Awards 2020.
Since now we in the midst of MCO 3.0, I would strongly advise all to shop for the TOP detergents online via the Shopee Official Store and LazMall.
Here are some extra information about TOP's detergents for your reference, so that you'll get the one that suits your family needs.
The Many Functionality
Top Advanced Micro-Clean Tech Powder Detergent
Top Advanced Micro-Clean Tech Liquid Detergent
Top Advanced Micro-Clean Tech Low Suds
Top is one of the best brand for fabric softener. I like the packaging design. Sesuai dgn jenama Top. Thank you for sharing your review.
ReplyDeleteSesuai jenama dia top memang jadi pilihan ramai. Kadang kite pun pakai brand ni utk basuh baju. Bau pun sedap wangi jee. Gunalah toppp!
ReplyDeleteKeep strong Rawlins. I know it's hard being away from our loves one. Hopefully this pandemic ends soon.
ReplyDeleteTop has always been my number one choice detergent too as I'm living in an apartment, so kinda hard for outdoor drying. Top effectively kills germs and still smell great even for indoor drying.
Top ni buat Ruby rindu kampung tau. Mak mentua suka guna Top. Bau pakaian kalau guna Top sangat segar. Dia tinggal bau yang lain dr pencuci yang ruby punya. Ingat sampai sekarang tau.
ReplyDeleteNow memang Marsha guna TOP. Memang best guna. Siap spare untuk basuh my hijab tau. Tak boleh sabun lain...hihi
ReplyDeleteBaaru tau Top bukan sahaja mencuci, dan mewangikan baju malah dpt mneghapuskan bakteria. Boleh try ni.. Sebab tak pernh guna top lagi. Semoga rawlins kuat bila berjuahan dengan keluarga. Say safe ya
ReplyDeleteReading this make me feel like looking for this brand now to do my laundry later... better assurance on the hygiene kan!
ReplyDeleteomg. detergent baju yang boleh kill virus? i am sold! gonna change my detergent to this brand from now, loving how innovative it has gotten
ReplyDeleteharitu try top ni, memang serius wangi sangat, nak habiskan pencuci lama pastu nak beli top je, takyah pelembut pun wangi
ReplyDeleteSis penguna setia TOP Rawlins.. paling suka bau Blooming Garden tu, susah nak tukar lain, tp kadang ikut mood berbelanja gak hahahaha.. tapi memang wangi..
ReplyDeleteSometimes, memang dah cuci baju walau pakai sabun pun, still takut tak bersih dengan virus dan bakteria kan, especially musim pandemik ni.
ReplyDeleteYah the numbers are scary these days! But if there's anything good that came out of it, at least we are now more aware of hygiene. Will look out for this brand next time.
ReplyDeleteYaya ada baca yang brand TOP ini juga sesuai untuk orang dewasa yang mempunyai masalah kulit sensitif dan disarankan oleh doktor kulit
ReplyDeleteI m using this TOP's Advanced Micro-Clean Tech detergent at home too, memang trustable and bagus.
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming by.
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