The Cursed: Dead Man's Prey [Movie Review]

The Cursed: Dead Man's Prey [Movie Review] | I watched the movie as I loved the series. Is the movie as good as the series?

The Cursed, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins


The Cursed: Dead Man's Prey (2021) Trivia 

  • Starring: Uhm Ji-won, Jung Ji-won, Jung Moon-sung, Oh Yoon-ah
  • Directed by: Kim Yong-wan
  • Production Companies: Climax Studios, KeyEast, Studio Dragon
  • Distributed by: CJ Entertainment
  • Release date: July 28, 2021
  • Running time: 109 minutes
  • Rating:
  • Country: South Korea
  • Language: Korean
  • Tomatometer:NA
  • Metascore: NA
  • IMDb: 5.9/ 10
  • Marked the final film appearance of Kim Mi-soo before her death in January 2022.

The Cursed, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins

The movie is an expanded version of the series. I was so in love with the series that I decided to watch this when it aired.

Reporter Im Jin-Hee receives a mysterious call while on a live programme where a strange voice warning her about a murder happening soon. The caller claims to be the culprit behind the mysterious murder, and requests Jin-hee to interview him live on camera. With the police on standby and the excited public turning in, the man appears for the interview as promised. He warns of three more murders to come, which will be carried out by revived corpses. Then he himself rots, right in front of Jin-Hee.

The Cursed, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins
The Cursed, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins

Then the murder starts happening. The body of a murder suspect is discovered next to victim at the crime scene. The  thing is - the murderer has been dead for a few months - meaning it is a zombie or Jaechaui.

Every murder after that involves Jaechaui.  

If you listen carefully, a bomoh from Indonesia involves in the awakening of the Jaechaui. 

What do they want and how to defeat the Jaechaui? 

The Cursed, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Rawlins GLAM, Rawlins Lifestyle, Movie Review by Rawlins


Plot: 4.5/ 5.0 As mentioned, an extension of the series. So, the plot is expected too.

Cast: 4.6/ 5.0 Everyone delivers, as per the series.

Will I Watch It Again: Somehow, I don't mind watching the series again. The movie, perhaps when I am in the mood.

The pictures are taken from multiple sources on the Internet. Thank you.

#TheCursed #Fantasy #Horror #Mystery #RawlinsGLAM #RawlinsLifestyle #MovieReviewbyRawlins

Post a Comment


  1. This movie sounds scary. And the storyline sounds intriguing. However, it is not my cup of tea. But thank you for sharing your review. Good one.

  2. i loveeee murder story series hehe, thanks for sharing, dah added up in my future list. plot drama in korean movie is expected lah haha

  3. ok..a ku suka jalan cerita mcm ni.. nanti nak tengokla ..tq rawlis rekomen mcm biasa

  4. Aduh, confimed penuh dengan adegan suspense kan filem ni? Saya ni penakut nak tengok cerita thriller ke, hantu ke, tapi keinginan nak tengok tu ada. Siap amik kertas yang dah dipunch, tengok through lubang punch tu. Hehehehe. Nak try tengoklah nanti.

  5. Perghhh....suka storyline suspen gini walaupun kita sikit rasa penakut. HAhaa
    Nanti ajak husband nonton

  6. Hmm....Sienny a bit timid & not brave enough for scary storyline , so I don't think I will watch it ohh. Thanks for your movie review here. Cheers Siennylovesdrawing

  7. Terasa lama giler tak tengok movie dah!busy giler with life! It is time now, to catch up from the list you shared kan! 👍👍👍 this one sound good to kick start with!

  8. Jujurnya Sis tengok cite ni Sis tak faham.. satu hal plak masa tu tak tukar sarikata Melayu.. dah terkulat-kulat ko nak fahamkan hahaha.. nak kena ulang balik tengok..

    1. Laaaa... tak tukar sarikata memang terkulat-kulat sis hahaha. Sebab dah tengok series, maka Rawlins lebih faham la cerita nie.

  9. Wah this The Cursed: Dead Man's Prey rating is quite high. I like this kind of story and going to watch this soon.


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