Your House Smells Heavenly with Balik Raya Kampung Gift Box by Plant Origins | A smelly bedroom is big NO NO to me. Ever since I can remember, I have always put room refresher/ scented candles/ perfumes in my bedroom so that I could sleep in heavenly-smell bedroom.
Being a loyal person that I am, I have fixated with Plant Origin's products ever since I first encountered the Gifts of Refresh & Reset.
And being a clever person that I am, I always on the lookout for its amazing promotions (so that I could get more items for less hehehe).
Just like those famous Youtubers say in their YT "I will look for the promotions and share with you so that you don't have to do the hard work'. Hahaha.

Balik Raya Kampung Gift by Plant Origins
So, lemme share with you where you could find the best Plant Origins promotions, especially now that Raya is upon us.
- Type in and you'll arrive at the website.
- Go to 'Shop Categories' and look for 'Plant Origins', choose Bundles and Gifts Set.
- Start choosing your gifts here.
So, I chose for myself the Balik Raya Kampung Gift Box as I want to bring the sets home, to make the living room smells even more heavenly when the family members visit during Raya later.

In the box I received:
- Plant Origins Aromatherapy Portable Diffuser (70ml)
- Plant Origins Diffuser Bag (1 unit)
- Plant Origins Personal Care Travel Kit (5 units)
- Plant Origins Blood Orange Essential Oil (10ml)
- Raya Greeting Card

What I love the most about this gift is that the Aromatherapy Portable Diffuser is so portable - I have been able to bring the diffuser everytime I travel. And my room is always smell heavenly, thanks to the diffuser.
Yes, RM100 for the Balik Raya Kampung Gift Box.
Now, I think that this box also works for a Raya gift for your loved ones - a very functional gift!
You and your loved ones will be filling your homes with divine scents for this Raya with selections of Plant Origins Aromatherapy Home Fragrance.
So, start browsing the Signature Market website and start ordering the divine gifts for your loved ones.
#PlantOrigins #SignatureMarket #EssentialOil #Diffuser #AromaTherapy #RayaWithPlantOrigins #RawlinsLifestyle #RawlinsGLAM
Comel jee botol pakaging dia, so senang nak sumbat masuk bag balik kampung.. sampai kampung, bila pakai,s emua terhidu-hidu wanginya hehehehe.. murah tu oii offer dia..
ReplyDeleteMacam best dan wangi je nih. Tak pernah try lagi produk Plant Origins tapi macam okey tu harganya.
ReplyDeletePlant Origins Aromatherapy Portable Diffuser design looks simple. Maybe I need it for making me feel relaxing or can place this at the living room to get air clean fresher!
ReplyDeletePlant Origins set ni iena pun ade, iena guna untuk travel yg ni sebab kecik je. Senang bawa kemana2 :)
ReplyDeleteWahhhh best nyaaaa eo jenama baru ke ni? Nanti bole la fafa cuba jugak. Berbaloi harga dia
ReplyDeletetetiba confuse sekejap sebab ada hair shampoo, hair mask. hehe
ReplyDeletebest dah ada set lengkap mcm ni.. i suka kalau rumah wangi2 macam ni hehehe, tenang jer
ReplyDeleteWah.. pasti wangi satu rumah dgn Balik Raya Kampung Gift Box by Plant Origins | A smelly. Packaging dia cantik.
ReplyDeleteWajib ada kat rumah kan. Barulah selesa bau wangi dan segar. Akak pun dah restock essential oil. Good vibes. Hehe
ReplyDeleteBestnya kalau rumah wangi dan segar all day long time perayaan kan.. orang datang beraya pun rasa best! Good offer la boleh save up to 33% for this gift box.
ReplyDeleteRumah wajib kena wangi nak Raya ni, nanti tetamu datang tak ade lah bau makanan je kan.
ReplyDeleteI must get one of these because they look like they are the perfect travel companion! Can’t wait to buy one for myself!
ReplyDeleteMinat kat packaging Plant Origins ni lebih-lebih lagi lepas tengok gambar-gambar yang Rawlins snap. Cantik sangat. Other than that, I saw that the packaging is also travel-friendly, comel je kan. Nak dapatkanlah nanti, nak wangi-wangi di seluruh rumah juga.
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