Asians Love Content Creation Technology, And Buys A Lot of the Tech Too | Recently, Logitech, in partnership with Southeast Asian consumer research company, Milieu Insight, today announced the findings of its region-wide study on content creation and purchasing consumer behaviour of audio and video content creation technology.

The study found that Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines are top consumers of video and livestreams, with more than 8 in 10 in Singapore (85%), Philippines (86%) and Malaysia (81%) indicating they usually watch videos and livestreams. However, Singapore falls behind Malaysia and the Philippines for ownership and purchase intent of audio and video content creation technology. The study also found that Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines are high consumers of videos & livestream and turn to social media platforms for product research, with Philippines taking the lead with the largest number of creators and Malaysia for content creation technology ownership.
The study also found ownership of video and audio technology is highest in Malaysia (65%), followed by the Philippines (59%) and Singapore (49%). In terms of purchase intent, about 1 in 2 respondents from Singapore (49%) reported an overall interest to purchase audio and video technology, which is significantly lower than SEA counterparts, Malaysia (74%) and The Philippines (79%).
For those who were interested in researching more about the various audio and video technology to purchase, respondents turned to social media platforms [YouTube (83%) and Facebook (65%)] as their preferred platform of choice to look for more information.
Across all three countries, 13% of those surveyed were audio or video content creators, with Malaysia having the largest market share of creators (17%), followed by Philippines (13%), and Singapore (9%). While numerous factors have contributed to the explosion of the content creator industry, including its rising lucrative factor, this trend is set to continue with increased access to advanced technological tools, which enable budding creators to easily produce professional quality content.

“In Singapore, we’re seeing an increase in the number of creators breaking into the streaming market, which is heartening to see. For creators to cut through a saturated streaming market, they can take their content to the next level by opting to invest in streaming equipment based on their budget and goals.”Umehara Keiji, Content Creator, said.
“As the digital creative economy continues to boom, demand for audio and video technology will continue to trend upwards, ushering in an exciting period for independent content creators. Budding and veteran content creators are now raising the bar to stay ahead of the competition by ensuring they produce content with broadcast-quality sound, and professional grade video and lighting. At Logitech, our aim is to continuously innovate to empower both beginner and advanced creators to pursue their passions as they work, create and play.” said Bernard Chow, Logitech’s Head of Cluster for Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines.
Stephen Tracy, Chief Operating Officer, Milieu Insight, said, “It's been incredible to watch the digital creator economy evolve over the years as hardware and software has become more accessible to the masses. The findings of our latest study highlight just how advanced creators across Southeast Asia have become, but the data also highlights how much growth potential lies ahead. With 65% of the consumers surveyed saying they were either somewhat or very likely to purchase video/audio products going forward, the future of content creation looks bright for Southeast Asia.’’
So, tell me - which country are you from and which technology have you just bought recently?

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