Batman: Hush [Movie Review] | After watching Batman Ninja, I searched for other Batman movies I had not watched. So what follows will be a series of Batman movies.
Enjoy the ride, people.

Batman: Hush (2019) Trivia
- Starring: Jason O'Mara & Jennifer Morrison
- Director: Justine Copeland
- Producer: Amy McKenna
- Production Company: Warner Bros. Animation & DC Entertainment
- Distributed by: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
- Release date: July 20, 2019
- Running time: 82 minutes
- Rating: MA
- Country: United States
- Language: English
- IMDb: 6.9/ 10
- Tomatometer: 83%
- Metascore: NA
- The Fourteenth installment in the DC Animated Movie Universe.
- The story was adapted to align with the continuity of recent DC animated films. Changes include adding Damian Wayne, who wasn’t in the original Hush comic, and altering Lex Luthor’s role—he was actually the U.S. president during these events in the graphic novel.
- This is one of the rare times the DC Animated Universe breaks from Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010). In that film, Batman notes his ropes are nearly impossible to cut, forcing Red Hood to craft a special knife. Either Hush exists in a different timeline, or that detail was simply overlooked for the story.

Batman rescues a kidnapped child from Bane, but before he can recover the ransom, Catwoman snatches it. While chasing her, a masked vigilante severs his grapple line, sending him crashing to the pavement. Skull fractured, Batman is vulnerable, but Catwoman fends off thugs trying to unmask him before Batgirl intervenes and takes him back to the Batcave. Alfred calls in Bruce’s old friend, Dr. Thomas Elliot, for surgery. Two weeks later, Bruce suits up in a reinforced cowl and resumes patrol, against medical advice.
Meanwhile, Catwoman, under Poison Ivy’s control, delivers the ransom. The masked vigilante arrives, confronting Ivy and handing over Kryptonite.
Batman strikes a deal with Amanda Waller, helping her recapture Bane in exchange for intel. Teaming up with Catwoman, he follows Ivy’s trail to Metropolis, where she uses Kryptonite-laced lipstick to control Superman. Forced into a fight, Batman breaks the spell when Catwoman shoves Lois Lane off a building, triggering Superman’s protective instincts. With Ivy defeated, she whispers a name: Hush.

Hush manipulates Harley Quinn into attacking an opera attended by Bruce, Selina, and Thomas Elliot. In the chaos, Thomas is lured outside and murdered, with Joker framed for the crime. Enraged, Batman nearly beats Joker to death before Gordon intervenes. Realizing Hush knows his identity, Bruce reveals himself to Selina and brings her into his world. Together, they become Gotham’s new crime-fighting duo.
Hush isn’t done. He lures Dick Grayson and Selina to Thomas’ grave, where Scarecrow ambushes them. Dick succumbs to fear toxin, and Hush kidnaps Selina. Batman uncovers a clue pointing to the Riddler when investigating a break-in at Thomas' office. At Arkham, the Riddler who is dying from a brain tumor, reveals he used the Lazarus Pit for a cure and, in his madness, became Hush. But Batman isn’t fooled—this Riddler is Clayface.
Can their love withstand the test of faith and crime?

What I Like:
- Wow. I didn't know that about the Riddler.
- The story tells the complicated love story of the duo, complete with the emotional roller-coaster they are in.
What I Don't Like:
- I want a different ending for them.
Will I Watch It Again: Yes, I will.
Overall: 4.5/ 5.0
The pictures are taken from multiple sources on the Internet. Thank you.
#BatmanHush #Animation #Superhero #RawlinsGLAM #RawlinsLifestyle #MovieReviewbyRawlins
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