Walking is the New Cross-Training | I have been enjoying my walking routine, almost daily now, for almost a month now. …
Next GLAM storyWalking and Its Benefits | Since I will only be joining the gym in the middle of July (hopefully), until then, I will b…
Next GLAM storyShould I Stretch Before Walking? | During MCO, since everything was closed, I had to resort to exercise at home. I refe…
Next GLAM storyJust like what Ellen Degeneres said in one of the episodes of her talk show, with the coming a new year, there will b…
Next GLAM storyA mere try-out for the call-out of JBL Rising Star has bear fruit for one lucky chap, Clinton Chua Han Yong. He belted…
Next GLAM storyOver and time again, you'll find that your weighing scale will not budge to a lesser number.You did almost everythi…
Next GLAM storyWhich one is your choice?
After warded for almost two months before, I am much more conscious about my health nowadays.H…
For the past 2 months, I have been obsessed of weighing myself.I will weigh myself the very first thing in the morning …
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