54 minutes ago
This entry will have very few words with pictures.
Change for a better and safer pad.Contact me and I will share the inf…
Amazing stories are meant to be shared and passed around so that everybody can benefit from it. This is an amazing story…
Next GLAM storyHaid Wanita.Memang la wanita sebab lelaki tak mungkin haid kan.Anyway, tempoh masa untuk kitaran haid setiap wanita ada…
Next GLAM storyMencegah itu lebih baik daripada merawat.Betul kan?Dan juga jauh lebih MURAH daripada merawat.Peringkat awal kanser ser…
Next GLAM storyA healthy woman will have her menstruation every month without fail. If she misses her menstruation, there are only two …
Next GLAM storyA : Arghhhh! Setiap kali baca entry kau, mesti aku tension!
B : Kenapa?
A : Kau asyik sebut pasal, gemuk, obeisiti, selul…